Direct Solar Charging Technology

Welcome to Vulcankore, where we pioneer revolutionary direct solar charging technology that surpasses conventional methods. With four times higher overall efficiency than solar panels and collector temperatures reaching above 1000 degrees Celsius, we harness the raw power of the sun. Our sustainable energy solution comes at a minimal infrastructure cost. Join us on this transformative journey towards a greener and more affordable energy landscape.

Key Features:

  • Our direct solar charging technology is specifically designed for remote or off-grid locations, where accessing traditional energy sources can be difficult or impractical.
  • With our patent-pending technology, we have achieved a remarkable four times higher solar conversion efficiency compared to conventional methods.
  • Our technology enables us to achieve precise and customized temperatures tailored to the specific needs of the application, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Our thermal platform solutions have a wide range of potential applications, from simple battery charging to providing heat for heavy industries like cement production. Contact us for more information and discover how our technology can benefit your specific industry or project.


  • Scalable Solar Solution: Our direct solar charging technology adopts a scale-as-you-go model, allowing for the addition of mirrors as needed. This flexible approach ensures optimal performance and efficiency, tailored to your energy requirements.
  • Versatile Optics: We offer a flexible model for optics used in concentrating sunlight, including parabolic dishes and fresnel lenses. This versatility allows us to adapt to different project specifications and maximize energy capture from the sun.
  • Futuristic and reliable: Our direct solar charging technology eliminates power outages and disruptions, providing a reliable power supply. With its deployability in space, it offers 24/7 charging capability, ensuring continuous power supply for today and tomorrow.