Industrial processes

Ignite Efficiency, Empower Growth: Our thermal platform solutions bring tailored temperatures to industrial processes, optimizing performance while offering on-site power generation capability. Experience streamlined operations, increased efficiency, and reduced energy costs with our innovative technology. Unlock the potential of customized temperatures and unleash a new era of productivity and sustainability in your industry. Some of examples are:

  • Precise Temperature Control: Autoclaves require precise temperature control for sterilization and other heat treatment processes. The thermal battery platform enables accurate and stable heat delivery, ensuring consistent and uniform temperatures throughout the autoclave chamber.
  • Food Processing: Many food processing operations, such as drying, roasting, and baking, require controlled and sustained heat. By utilizing the stored heat from thermal batteries, you can maintain the desired temperature profiles, ensuring efficient and uniform processing of food products.
  • Ceramic Production: Ceramic kilns demand stable and high temperatures for the firing of clay and other ceramic materials. The thermal battery platform can provide the required heat over an extended period, enabling consistent and energy-efficient ceramic production.
  • Textile Industry: Certain textile processes, such as dyeing and curing, require specific temperature ranges for optimal color fixation and fabric treatment. The thermal battery technology can provide the necessary heat for these processes, ensuring consistent and uniform results.
  • Paper and Pulp Manufacturing: Thermal batteries can contribute to energy savings in the paper and pulp industry by providing heat for drying, evaporation, and chemical reactions involved in the production processes.